Pesto mashed potatoes

Pesto mashed potatoes

If you think you know how to make mashed potatoes, think again! Cause you’ve been eating mashed potatoes wrong all your life by not adding pesto. YES, PESTO! You might think, Luna you are taking your Italian heritag too far girl, but I’m telling you this combination is HEAVEN and it takes a humble mashed potato to the next level, a creamy, herby goodness that will leave you craving more.

If you're in the mood for a side dish that's both comforting and utterly luxurious, you're in for a treat. These creamy Mashed Potatoes with Vegan Pesto are set to redefine your expectations of mashed potatoes.

You’ll only need a handful of ingredients to make this;

  • Boiled mashed potatoes

  • Vegan butter and milk

  • Nutmeg

  • Vegan basil pesto (featuring pine nuts, basil, spinach, olive oil, parmesan and garlic)

The Creamy Base: First, we start with the foundation of any excellent mashed potatoes—boiled potatoes. These soft, starchy morsels are whipped into creamy perfection. To make them extra indulgent, using vegan butter, ensuring that they're dairy-free yet rich and velvety.

The Pesto Revelation: But here's where the magic truly happens. The real star of the show is the vegan basil pesto. This vibrant green concoction is a symphony of flavors. Fresh basil and spinach lend their vibrant hues, while pine nuts and olive oil bring a nutty, aromatic depth to the mixture. A hint of garlic adds a subtle kick, and the vegan Gondino Parmesan adds that unmistakable umami and salty kick.

When you mix this pesto into the mashed potatoes, something extraordinary occurs. The creaminess of the potatoes harmonizes with the herby, garlicky goodness of the pesto. The nuttiness and saltiness from the pine nuts and Gondino Parmesan blend seamlessly, creating a dish that's not only delicious but also a visual masterpiece with its bright green streaks.

The Aroma of Nutmeg: Don't forget the secret ingredient – a pinch of nutmeg. It's the final touch that ties everything together, and according to my mom you can’t make a mashed potato without nutmeg. Nutmeg's warm, slightly sweet aroma plays off the other flavors and adds a delicate complexity that elevates this dish to a whole new level.

So, if you're looking to impress your taste buds and guests with a side dish that defies convention, give this Mashed Potatoes with Vegan Pesto a try. Make enough because everyone will be going for seconds. ;)



  • 480 gr of starchy potatoes, peeled and cubed

  • 113 gr vegan butter

  • 120 ml unsweetened plant-based milk (e.g., almond, soy, or oat milk)

  • Salt, to taste

  • Pepper, to taste

  • A pinch of nutmeg

For the Vegan Pesto

  • 30 gr fresh basil leaves

  • 30 gr fresh spinach leaves

  • 30 gr pine nuts

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 60 ml extra-virgin olive oil

  • 60 gr vegan grated Parmesan, my favorite linked here

  • Salt, to taste

  • Pepper, to taste

How to

For the Vegan Pesto:

  1. In a food processor, combine the fresh basil, spinach, pine nuts, vegan parmesan and minced garlic.

  2. Pulse the ingredients until they are finely chopped.

  3. With the food processor running, slowly drizzle in the extra-virgin olive oil. Continue blending until the mixture is smooth and well combined.

  4. Transfer the pesto to a bowl, Season with salt and pepper to taste. Set the pesto aside.

For the Mashed Potatoes:

  1. Start by peeling and cubing the starchy potatoes. Make sure they are evenly sized, so they cook at the same rate.

  2. Place the 480 grams of cubed potatoes in a large pot and cover them with cold water. Add a pinch of salt to the water.

  3. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook the potatoes for about 15-20 minutes or until they are fork-tender.

  4. Drain the cooked potatoes in a colander and return them to the pot.

  5. Add the vegan butter and plant-based milk to the potatoes.

  6. Mash the potatoes with a potato masher until they are smooth and creamy. If you prefer a smoother texture, you can use a hand mixer or a potato ricer. (I used a ricer)

  7. Season the mashed potatoes with salt, pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg. Adjust the seasoning to your taste.

  8. Now, it's time to add the vegan pesto to the mashed potatoes. Start by adding a few spoonfuls of pesto and taste. You can add more pesto to achieve your desired level of flavor.

  9. Gently stir the pesto into the mashed potatoes.

  10. Serve, garnished with a little extra vegan Parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil if desired.

  11. Buon appetito!


Did you make this? Tag me @lunatrapani on instagram. Love to see your creations.

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